Welcome to the Katy Perry Exposed website. We welcome fans from all over the world.

We plan to list all the latest pictures, videos and news about Katy.

But we also really want to hear from you - if you have a picture, video or story about Katy we want to hear it first! We will display as many of your Katy related material as we possibly can.

So post a comment, and give us the link to any pictures or videos you have of Katie, particularly those with you in too, and we will include them in the next blog post, attributed to you.

Also if you have met Katie or have a Katy Perry related story, please let us know, we would love to hear from you.


Katy Perry Videos


I Kissed A Girl

Feat. Snoop Dogg - California Gurls

What is your favourite Katy Perry song?  Let us know and we will post it here for your viewing pleasure.